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Spreading Happiness with Warrington Headteachers


Stephanie Davies, Head of Happiness and CEO for HCS, battled the train strikes to bring laughter to Warrington Heads’ conference.

Against the scenic backdrop of Windermere, Stephanie led a half-day session for Warrington headteachers, focusing on building resilience through FLIP-it thinking and the power of laughter in learning environments. The workshop set an uplifting tone for the broader conference, emphasising the significance of a positive mindset in navigating challenges.

As well as giving headteachers a much-needed break and laugh, they gained insights into ways to build resilience and incorporate humour into teaching. Stephanie Davies showcased how happiness and learning go hand in hand, leaving the headteachers inspired and equipped to create thriving classrooms.

If you’d like to hear Stephanie - or any other one of our Happiness Experts - at your headteachers’ conference, do get in touch with Doug, who can give you further details - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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